Saturday, August 17, 2024

Cousin's wedding @ Baalagaru

Time: July 8-11, 2024

Company: Wife and daughter, joined later by relatives

Place: Thirthahalli, Baalagaru

Highlights: Cousin's wedding was arranged at Baligar, which is about 5 kms before Thirthahalli on the way from Shimoga. Multiple modes of transport was discussed, debated and finally the chosen option was for the three of us to take the overnight train from BLR to Shimoga whereas others would come by car as per their convenience. So we left on 8th night from BLR and reached Shimoga at about 6 am (an hour's delay). Contemplated on seeing some scenic spots near Shimoga but decided against. Auto driver took us to the bus stop where we got bus to Thirthahalli. It was an hour and half away amidst lush greenery. Upon reaching, we took one more auto to our booked Kamat Hotel. Refreshed, and we were ready to go sight-seeing until function formalities started in the evening.

Hired an auto for entire day, and first place he took was Malathihole hanging bridge near Bhimankatte Mutt on the river Malathi. It was wonderful to see the gushing river. Thanks to the heavy rain in the catchment areas, all rivers in Karnataka were brimming full. Our next destination was Kavaledurga Fort. This was the main highlight of our sightseeing. To go up the fort, one had to climb/trek for about an hour on unpaved hillock. It started off well amidst lush greenery and streams. And then slowly the scent started.

The fort itself is extremely well built to ensure no one could easily attack. We entered one main door after the other. At the very end of the trek, there were a number of steps that one had to climb. The pinnacle of the trek is a small pond inside the fort premises. That pond is wonderful, with crystal clear water. No one is allowed inside, and that has ensured pristine quality. 

On the way back, we climbed another small hillock atop which was a small temple. From above the hillock, the panoramic view of the Western Ghats is mesmerising. Spent quite some time soaking it all in. And then we started climbing down. Once in a while, it started raining lightly, which added to the wonder. Thankfully it was not a downpour. Almost near the base of the hill, there was a small tea shop. We replenished ourselves with local delights like sweets and snacks, and that was our lunch for the day.

Got back to the auto who took us back to our hotel. Around that time, some of our relatives had arrived at the lodge and we got busy readying ourselves for the evening function. It was 'Baraath' of sorts where we had to take the groom to the wedding hall (we were part of the bride's family). The arrangement for the wedding at such a remote place was remarkable. 

Rest of the evening was the function and the dinner. Managed amidst downpour! Headed back to the hotel for the night.

On 10th morning, got up real early at about 4 am and reached Baalagaru by 6 am. The morning wedding rituals were getting started. We got busy with formalities and other divine rituals. The venue was amazing, just beside the gushing Tunga river! Spent some time just being with the moment.

Post lunch we got back to the room, slept until 6:30 pm and then took a bus back to Shimoga. It was a nausea-tic journey. While it was easy on the onward leg, the return leg seemed very difficult. Maybe because bus was crowded. Anyways, reached just before anything happened. Went to railway station. Train was at midnight, so spent some nice time watching Insta comedy videos, had great fun ROFL. Journey back home was uneventful. Reached BLR by 4:30 am and home by 6 am. 

And thus, a memorable "divine destination wedding" came to an end!

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